ReachOut 2014
Note: 1. Feel free to repost the photos but please credit them to @Lisz___ on twitter/ @liszee on ig.
2. This is a fan account and so I might not have the same idol as you do so I might write less things about them and please bear with my fangirl feels and fangirl alien language :)
3. I just wrote down everything I remembered and it might not be in full details and the song lists might not be in chronological order but I did my best getting the info from my friends.
Hope you'll enjoy reading :D
Reached Taylor's Lakeside Uni with Lisze & Bah around 4pm after the bengkel kepimpinan and after rushing the fanboard orz. It was 30mins later than my actual plan and I was really worried that I might not get a nice spot :(
The event started at 2pm as stated. Before entering the hall, the workers/volunteers or whoever they are distributed a goodie bag for us, each contains a wristband, 1M4U tshirt & program booklet. There were guards there to check our bags!! No food and drinks allowed sighhhhh
And then we're in! The hall was full already and late comers had to stand at the back, but we went to the front to find Deborah and guess what? A really kind worker took chairs for us to add at the side of the 7th row (if not mistaken) and we got to sit down ;__; 3butts on 2 chairs though but so grateful!!!!! /bows90degrees/
Left to right: JinnyBoy, Jason Chen, Kina Grannis, Madilyn Bailey, David Choi, Jun Sung Ahn
SCREAMS SCREAMS SCREAMSSSS i was hitting bah so badly cries oppa in real life TT!! Sorry for that hahaha because you were on my right so... :P
Did not expect to see them at the convention so it was really asdfghjkl
They had a short introduction and then Jinny said he'll pick 5 lucky fans on stage to ask them questions!!!
The first girl on stage asked for a selfie and she got it ;w; And for the 2nd round onwards I put up my fanboard because it's huge and it'll attract attention *_* but another girl went up and she asked a question about volunteering and stuff and took a selfie with them too D; and then I refused to put up my hand again because TBH i'm not a really huge fangirl for all of them and I only get to know some of them on that day (SORRY) and it'll be awkward cuz I don't know what to ask them and it'll be unfair for those who were dying to go on stage because their ultimate bias was there. 过不了自己那关啊... and later on a boy went up, he brought his violin with him!!! All of them autographed on it sobssss
The convention ended at 5pm, and we had to exit the hall so that they can take away the chairs. At first we thought the convention and concert will be at 2 different places so we decided to skip the convention to get good places for the concert but NO. I felt like an idiot wearing singlet + shorts + high heels in the hall with aircond .__. So the 3 of us ran to subway to buy our dinner and then back to the hall. BUT we were abit late TT we were standing around the 10th line from the barrier TT
Elizabeth Tan performed and wow her vocal is really great *__* she sang a few songs and AT THE SAME TIME, the youtubers meet & greet session were happening T___T I didn't win the passes and it was saddddd idk why maybe I sent my entry late or I typed something wrong or what idk :(
And then Racquel arrived and joined us hehe.
So the 3 of us stood there since 5 something and watched all the msian artists perform till like 8:30pm. And then Deborah joined us yay fangirlsss
Emcees of the night:
Jinny & Reuben |
Joseph Germani & Dan Khoo |
First YouTuber artist line-up: JUN SUNG AHN.
He started with River Flows In You asdfghjkllqkanedm just so perfecttttttttttttttttt I was jumping and jumping and screaming oh godddd the guy that I always watch from my rectangular screen suddenly became 3D right infront of me I just canttttttttttttttttttt ;__;/~~~~~
And when he finished the first song, I raised my fanboard up high AND HE WAVED AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK maybe not me but but definitely in my direction and with my big big blur fanboard there's no way he can't see it!! TT
The second song he played: Counting Stars by One Republic. One of my fav song and fav cover criesssss
3rd song: OST from The Moon Embraces The Sun
It sounded so good too gooooooooood my heart melted and ngaww just wxjalzjoqkxqlp and lisze managed to take a fancam in full hd criescriescries
4th song: mashup of Bad Boy (Big Bang's) & I'm Yours & Somewhere over the rainbow
His "twins" appeared at the back screen ngawww so cute and so perfectly synchronized ;;;;;;
His vibrato and 深情的眼神 and everything just achaldialxnacmalcipl words can't describeeeeeeeeeeee
His playing was just so perfect everything was just so perfect my tears just can't not roll down gahhh he's the angel from heaven ;__; and he's so shy and his smile and his dimple just askalcow too much to handle i can't ㅠ___ㅠ
Later on, Jason Chen came out and perform.
Song list: unexpectedly, 你不知道的事, best friend, when i was your man, back at one.
His voice just ashasmackwdiwndalcalxka so nice so asdfghjkl that it gave me goosebumps ;w; his chinese accent is so cute gahhhhh and his vocal aaahhhh /meltssssss/
He threw his tshirt with the "music never sleeps" logo to the crowd diagonally infront of me and the fans were snatching and some fell ._. BUT THEN we got to see his biceps omo *_____*
selfieee |
Look at the skirt aigoooo so cute!!
We were moaning and spazzing and just axialzoqkxhwcn her voice is just so pretty like her omg just too awesome idk what to say *_*
And then she mentioned that she have a fiance and Deborah said she can hear Bah's heart breaking HAHAHAHAHA
her style *__* so swagggggg
She also sang a song from her soon-to-be-released album : ELEMENTS so do check her out on itunes on the 6th of May hehe.
They wanted us to shine our phones' flash lights to the stage. It must be really pretty watching it on the stage ;w;
HE WAS THE BOMB! Fans around me were screaming so badly my eardrum hurts ahaha. He was the only one with this special background and his band members came together too.
Racquel held her fanboard writing "I ❤ David Choi", HE SAW IT AND POINTED TO HER AND SAID "I LOVE YOU TOO"!!!!!!!!!! So happy for Racq omggggggggggggg such fanservice ;____;
captured when he pointed at Racquel!! |
He sang missing piece, lucky guy & that girl. Then, he did a duet with Kina!!!!!!
Kina played the guitar and he played Elizabeth Tan's ukulele ngawww they both were so cute tgt ;w;
ANDDDDDD, Jun Sung Ahn was fanboy-ing at backstage omg look at his instavideo! So cute ahahahaha.
And the last song he sang was By My Side. I somehow managed to be at the 3rd-4th row because some people left and those behind pushed and yeahh. Btw, I THINKKKKKK he made an eye contact with me idkidkidk just strong feelings like i was staring at him then he stared too or maybe he were looking to my direction but not exactly at me his mind was somewhere else or sth idk he has small eyes so i'm not really sure just strong feelings /__\
He promised to like our photos in instagram as long as he's been tagged in and he even taught us how to tag people on insta in a very cute way ;;; and he asked us to add him on snapchat tooo!
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW ITTTTTTTT!!! I was preparing my fanboard for so long waiting for that moment TT
JUNSUNGAHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN he's so shy mygoodness he didn't even want to look at down the stage so that he won't meet the audiences' eyes T___T he knew my fanboard was at his right but he was so shy to look at my direction asdhadmqxiqlx /CRIESANOCEAN/
They sang Happy by Pharrel Williams and I totally fixed my eyes at Jun Sung because it's the last chance I get to stare at him like that T_T he's so cute just too cute ;;;;;
Lastly, they took a very last group photo on stage, AND MY FANBOARD MADE IT INTO THE PHOTO CRIESSSSSS look at the photo Jinnyboy posted and reposted by others and also in Jun Sung's troll selfie instavid TT___TT just a short second only though
He was so shy he somehow ran to the backstage as if there were monsters on stage aherm but he waved to his fans at the front row GAHHH I WANNA CRY or maybe he waved to me too idk I wasn't that far and there's no way he can't spot me okayyyy TT
My lumbar vertebrae and phalanges hurts so badlyyyy and i lost my voice too i sound so deep and sexy rn HAHAHA but hours if standing and everything was worth it my saturday night ended so perfectly meeting all these youtube stars T____T
On Sunday afternoon, I posted this photo on instagram.
It says there curryahnBUSINESS so I wasn't sure if he'll read it himself but I still wrote a little bit like a fan mail and attached a photo of my fanboard too. Prays that he'll read it ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
And David Choi liked my photo too! I was afraid that he'll miss out mine but he did saw it awwwww
And then, some photos from 1M4U's facebook page!
![]() |
why is he so cute helppp |
A short note to LOUIANNE LEORA SINYEE etc! Stop saying you guys are unlucky pleaseeeee you all get to attend the meet & greet, get to talk to them, get to take a group photo with them, get to HUG them. HUGGGGGGG IT'S A FRIGGIN HUGGGGGGGGG MANNNNNN i want it so badly too :( i rather exchange with you guys leh tbh :(
Why do I like oppas like MyungSoo HAIHHHHH for 3 years and still counting =_= mentioned him in hundreds and thousands of tweets but he never even bother to look at them. or maybe he did but he couldn't reply so :okayyy:
And I wonder if he know my existence sigh I'm just a little bubble in the ocean ~~
Unlike Jun Sung Ahn T_____T at least he saw my fanboard and he commented on my instagram too ;___; feeling so lucky for the first time huhu so loved ㅠㅠ
definition of 왕자님 huhu can i be your 공주? |
Thank you soooooo much for everything just so happy so idk i'm drowning in my feelings i still can't get over it ;;; I should end here now and thankyou thankyou thankyou it was indeed legendary ❤